

Drag and drop to import and
convert sequence data

Share your data. Import, export and convert common file types as well as their annotations and notes.

Organize, search and share sequence databases

Organize, search and share sequence databases

원하는 방식으로 데이터 라이브러리를 정렬하고 탐색합니다.

  • 시퀀스 데이터베이스 추가 및 제거
  • 자동으로 저장된 문서 기록
  • 일괄 내보내기
  • 일괄 이름 변경
  • 필드를 기준으로 문서 필터링
  • 주석이 달린 시퀀스 파일 공유
  • Genbank로 내보내기 및 제출

Wide ranging file format compatibility from FASTA to VectorNTI

어디에서나 많은 데이터를 얻을 수 있나요?
Geneious에서는 간단히 drag & drop을 통해 다양한 데이터를 가지고 올 수 있습니다.

Smart NGS File Importing

Smart NGS File Importing
Format Extensions Data Types Common Sources
BED *.bed Annotations UCSC
Common Assembly Format *.caf Contigs Sequencher
Clone Manager *.cm5 Nucleotide sequences Clone Manager
Clustal *.aln Alignments ClustalX
CS FASTA *.csfasta Color space FASTA ABI SOLiD
DNAStar *.seq, *.pro Nucleotide & protein sequences DNAStar
DNA Strider *.str Sequences DNA Strider
Embl/UniProt *.embl, *.swp Sequences Embl, UniProt
Endnote (8.0) XML *.xml Journal article references Endnote, Journal article websites
FASTA *.fasta, *.fas, etc. Sequences, alignments PAUP*, ClustalX, BLAST, FASTA
FASTQ *.fastq, *.fasq Sequences with quality Solexa/Illumina
GCG *.seq Sequences GCG,
GenBank *.gb, *.xml Nucleotide & protein sequences GenBank
Geneious *.xml, *.geneious Preferences, databases Geneious
GFF *.gff Annotations Sanger Artemis
MEGA *.meg Alignments MEGA
Molecular structure *.pdb, *.mol, *.xyz, *.cml, *.gpr, *.hin, *.nwo 3D molecular structures 3D structure databases and programs
Newick *.tre, *.tree, etc. Phylogenetic trees PHYLIP, Tree-Puzzle, PAUP*, ClustalX
Nexus *.nxs, *.nex Trees, Alignments PAUP*, Mesquite, MrBayes & MacClade
PDB *.pdb 3D Protein structures SP3, SP2, SPARKS, Protein Data Bank
PDF *.pdf Documents, presentations Adobe Writer, LATEX, Miktex
Phrap ACE *.ace Contig assemblies Phrap/Consed
PileUp *.msf Alignments pileup (gcg)
PIR/NBRF *.pir Sequences, alignments NBRF PIR
Qual *.qual Quality file Associated with a FASTA file
Raw sequence text *.seq Sequences Any file that contains only a sequence,
Rich Sequence Format *.rsf Sequences, alignments GCGs NetFetch
Comma/Tab Separated Values *.csv, *.tsv Spreadsheet files Microsoft Excel
SAM/BAM *.sam, *.bam Contigs SAMtools
Sequence Chromatograms *.ab1, *.scf Raw sequencing trace & sequence Sequencing machines
SnapGene *.dna Sequences, annotations, metadata SnapGene
Variant Call Format *.vcf Variant calls/SNPs Variant callers and databases
Vector NTI sequence *.gb, *.gp Nucleotide & protein sequences Vector NTI
Vector NTI/AlignX alignment *.apr Alignments Vector NTI, AlignX
Vector NTI Archive *.ma4, *.pa4, *.oa4, *.ea4, *.ca6 Nucleotide & protein sequences, enzyme sets and publications Vector NTI
Vector NTI/ContigExpress *.cep Nucleotide sequence assemblies Vector NTI
Vector NTI database VNTI Database Nucleotide & protein sequences, enzyme sets and publications Vector NTI

Export Format Options

다양한 샘플과 reference sequence가 혼합되어 있더라도 drop 기능을 통해 SAM, BAM, GFF, BED 및 VCF 파일을 가져올 수 있습니다.

Export Format Options
Data Type Format
DNA sequence FASTA, Genbank XML, Genbank flat, Geneious
Amino acid sequence FASTA, Genbank XML, Genbank flat, Geneious
Chromatogram sequence ABI, Geneious
Sequence with quality FastQ, Qual, Geneious
Annotation GFF, BED, VCF, Geneious
Multiple sequence alignment Phylip, FASTA, NEXUS, MEGA3, Geneious
Assembly Phrap ACE, Geneious, SAM/BAM, Geneious
Phylogenetic tree Phylip, FASTA, NEXUS, Newick, MEGA3, Geneious
PDF document PDF, Geneious
Publication EndNote 8.0, Geneious
Graphs CSV or WIG, or images